Start-up/Software/Entrepreneurship Ideas
Created: 2023-08-01
Updated: 2023-08-09
Some of those are collected from personal notes; Others might be unique per this article. Anyone is free to take those ideas; Attributions are welcome.
Some ideas are big and requires people to manage and maintain.
- (2024) Methodox: Unconventional business solutions. (E.g. Parcel)
- (2024) Imagine Nation: Unique businesses. (E.g. iAvatar)
- (2021) (YouTube series) Fake Gameplay videos and visions: kinda like those 2D game and sometimes 3D game ads we see - but instead of ads, it’s just good visions. An unfinished example is World of Legends. Fun to do when we are not on schedule for Project Nine.
- (2023) (Experience) The iPad Experience: Dark room LiDAR, Aquarium, mystical jungle, haunted house treasure hunt.
- (2023) (Virtual Tour Service) (Empty Industry Room) Virtual AR/VR Tour: Just need a large walkable space - but Is this kind of pixel streaming better than VR?
- (2023) (Virtual Tour Service) Basically you pay money and let others travel for you. There are two forms: 1-1 travel where you can dictate and save yourself the travel to fly; Virtual Tour, but 给钱,让人去旅游。That’s the fun.
- (2024) (YouTube Series) Movies Didn’t Go According to Plan (and cut short) - (odea from) What is 那个电信诈骗的电影,在购物街拐卖的时候碰到个武功高手?Stories will be cut short因为坏人打不过他。拍摄特点:前面都基本是按照原片拍摄,但是在某一个环节(差不多过了30min之后)突然有变化。(Series, #20240208) 缅甸电信诈骗碰到武功高手。(Series, #20240208) 中国机长:前面30min的准备时间,然后总算飞了,结果突然有飞机横穿砍断,摄影机特效慢动作摄影一个非常镇定的年轻人在飞机断了一般的时候一边随着飞机的旋转摇摆,一边拿起氧气罩呼吸。
- (Contest/Competition/Hackathon) BAR AI-only competition with Ray
- (Entrepreneurship, 2024, #20240427) Major Virtual Tournament using AR headset: creates immersive.
- (2015, 2018, 2024) (Education) Revolutionize higher level eduation by providing gaming education of advanced university level courses. e.g. Mooc, open university, uoft, MIT, and great courses plus. NFC style. Starting with MOSFET:SETI. Part of Project Nine initiatives.
- (2024, Education) All inclusive, fully digital, full time high school curriculum with only 10 students and free for 3 years. I will design, program and guide through the entire process. Hire 10 engineers and develpeprs for contents and 4 additional helpers. Students only pay when at first full-time employment salary above 10W (inflation adjusted) 80% to our school for the first 3 years. (2024) This can be even enhanced and targeting primary education by using VR/AR devices in a classroom setting; We can start with consulting for specific classes.
- (2024) (#2024402) 汽车能跑800km比特斯拉长太多了。我们可以做个“开源免费零附加”的汽车,完全靠donation。
- MOSFET:SETI: For poor kinds like me who can’t afford the space and money for electronics studies and when university education is kind of shitty and absolutely inadequate.
- RoboGo: Test the limit of modern real-time combat.
- Dream of Red Chamber (a re-interpretation) (not an original recreation of plots): 红楼梦Gal game攻略妹妹 (idea from) Mentioned a few times by Ashley, and I think it’s a cool idea. As a simple starter, it could be a 2D visual novel-like, or even a traditional non-novel hentai 恋爱 game.
- (Company/Organization/Series Idea) SillyGames: Unoptimized Unreal Engine 5 Ray Tracing Games, published on Itch.IO (dedicated account or category): Per My3DVD, Experiments (series 1 with a few levels), Domino, ICTZombies, 东外校园卡丁车. “I don’t have time for intricate contents and polished games, but I build fun stuff and open world nonetheless.” Always free.
- (Game) 鱼缸管理、鱼缸simulation (Idea from, Source) Shawn from OTPP TFR 2022-2024. (comment) It concerns e.g. cutting grass, adjusting temperature, balance of NPL etc. chemical elements. (COmment) Ask Shawn to be gameplay director if we ever develop this.
- (Application, #Fun, Machine Learning) Pretend Worker (Imitation Device; Agent J): A program pretending to be a person, while actually getting some work done. May use generative AI for decision making. This is a more advanced version of Ray’s Precision Strike. Should be able to interact with Excel/VS Code and pretend to be writing code/crunching numbers. Should be written in C++ and have fine-controlled OS level input emulation capabilities. Should be visual driven (not API driven). Effectively, we can train an AI such that: given desktop recording (as visual outputs) and all keyboard and mouse inputs, predict next input action. Mau develop as a framework/pre-trained model, so the user can just turn it on fo 1hr and learn her own routines and the model will pick uo and generate customized behavior.
- (Game Concept, Idea, Perception, Vision, 恍惚状态, #20240209) 大人小人小小人,3D小“公园”——Japanese town people living there (top-down God’s view) Watching game: 天降之物 environment. Watching those small figures living and farming their life. 大人are players, 小人 are the characters, 小小人 are the little babies and kittens.
- (2013, 2024) ICT Zombies
- (2024) Recreate Ahhhhhhhhh, local and online multiplayer.
- (2024) Conway’s Game of Life - an RTS (Call it “Life Online” or something cool, with a long subtitle: “An Online Multiplayer RTS of Original Flavour Conway’s Game of Life with a Real-time Twist and Cool battle Music): See Game of Life study notes.
- (2024, AR, Fiction, RPG) Everything has a spirit, from small to large items. Rediscover life, rediscover spirit. The game requires using AR/Photo device to capture photos from real world, and using object identification to find the subject object at center of the photo - and like 小精灵图鉴, collect the spirit behind it. It’s a purely informative game - lots and lots of spirits to discover, with meaningful mapping of underlying objects. The game may require network connection, both for GPS verification and maybe for object identification. Legendary real world building e.g. Japanese shrines may have special spirits in them. The scanning of the same object should reveal the same spirit (and won’t have any effect if already collected) - but depending on time of day, different spirits might reside there. After technology part is done, it’s a purely content/information driven game. It’s 3D RPG monster collection game, tradable. Key technology is requiring capture in-site. The monsters may then be used in PvP battles to level up. This is just like Pokemon Go, or Pokemon world MMORPG but with our own twist and is based on world history. Battles can happen online - no need to be geo-located. (idea from) Monster Legend ios game advertisement.
- (2021, 2023, 2024) Gravity (Metaverse, social media, augmented virtual reality): See earlier concepts - like Kijiji but in 3D. On the other hand, a latest “mode” would be like “Atlas earth” (game): Monopoly style game, very simple - just declare location, and when people come they will pay a fee. Immediately real owners at sites will want to participate and declare their own locations; On the other hand, owners of a retailer location can put ads there. What’s more, like Gravity, gradually this could be a massive social network. The biggest challenge today is GPS accuracy is low, prone to hacking, and mobile 3D rendering capabilities sucks and cannot deliver the intended vision unless we make it vendor locked (e.g. on iphone) but then it kinda defeats the purpose and defeats the accessibility.
- (2022, 2024) Gamed-based language learning: walking-experience-like and detailed 3D environments.
- (2022, 2024) That location based game. Group gathering use withbKong etc. Pending plot, design. Technology is major hurdle.
- (2018, 2024) (AVR) VR Japanese: Learn language by walking around and pointing!
- (2023, Hardware, 2024) Recorder with basic editing and on-demand usage functionalities: One will be surprised how barren this market (in terms of supply?) is, and existing mobile apps just doesn’t justify the needs. A proper recorder should be able to: 1) Run on demand, 2) Allow insertion, 3) Allow deletion. And ideally those are achieved with physical buttons. I don’t see the need for wifi support, but being able to write directly to SD cards is a must. (For note taking, novel recording) Make those hardware recorders to solve the missing functionalities: editing, cutting, trimming, replacing/inserting. 录音方块。
- (2022, 2023) Precise Head Position Tracking for AR: May use base stations.
- (2023) HDMI recorder transmitter: some intermediary between a typical HDMI cable input and output, which can capture streams in betwee, bypass all hardware/software limitations when doing video capturing and consumes no hosting machine resources. I am surprised modern monitors don’t provide this functionality already. (Comment) There are external or either on-board “recorder card” or capture card devices.
- (2024) Fast and cheap e-ink display: No need to have color, just be fast first. On the other hand, software support is also super imporpotant - like ReMarkable 2, for paper display, touch-centric, or pure-keyboard navigation rather than mouse-based navigation is the key.
- (2024) E-zink Smart phone: Real, not toy functional. I needs to be smart because i want to use telegram on it. Protects eyes. Essential for suoer long term technical screen users like me. There are some chinese companies (DaSung and Boox) making those but their products are “functional” and don’t last more than a year.
- (2024) Desktop Scenary - like those eye measuring hardwares, it’s a handheld (no battery) device that is used to relax one’s eyes: allowing one to watch long distance without having a window or going outside. Like looking into a VR headset. Maybe this is patentable? (Remark) Kickstartable.
- (2024) 恒温站水舱 - problematic with knees with standing tables? We could stand in water. (idea from) Harry.
Non-Centralized Applications
- Ethereum Lottery: Decentralized blockchain-based lottery. Real-world lotteries are not trustworthy. Programmed in Solidity, participants are guaranteed a transparent process. No one is there to take our winning money as tax. Idea courtesy of Shawn Li. Allow multiple pools of varying sizes so people can adjust their winning rates and even start new pools. A more interesting effect is tax-free.
- Ethereum Central Ledger (Fund): When implemented, it can serve as a fund for apps like SeekingMate.
- (2022, 2024) Technical Analyst: There is frequent need for highly technical computing yet very high-level analytics at finance/investment industry. Excel and Python are usually the first choice. I intend to create a completely new role with Parcel. One implementation of this is when I have my own investment firm, I can hire people developing Parcel, and hire people specializing in using it, and we sell/market Parcel ourselves.
Online Services
- (Game, Service, Platform, 2021/2022/2024) iAvatar: Fashion, and virtual character and having luxury presentation. Partly inspired by Mopcat/catface or whatever UofT makeup idea by signal and processing professor. (Comment, #2024) iAvatar can actually be a desktop application - less intrusive and online retailers just need to provide a protocol-based url. The desktop app would be a one-stop shopping experience like The Sims 3. In fact, call it a shopping game.
- (2023) Anonymous Free Social Online Surveys (with demographical identification information upon registration) for social studies, personal FAQ, and market research. The website should be something like Stackoverflows and be easily accessible and free-to-use, and offers among other things most importantly: registration and personal social identity information editing, survey publication and editing, interest editing, and participated surveys page. A person can see survey results after participation. Any new survey should ideally do a search to avoid repeating the same kind of questions. Each survey is versioned and new edits must record new polls and cannot directly inherit older polls. No comments shall be provided, but survey publisher can describe survey goals and purpose.
- (2024) ChatGPT is useless when it comes to academic research (arts & science). When asked “Have you read the article ‘The survival and recovery of bacteria in vacuum cleaner dust’” its answer is “I can’t access specific articles or databases, but I can discuss topics related to bacteria survival and recovery in various environments if you’re interested!” Apparently this is an under-utilized area: When training specific in helping people identifying research papers, LLMs can be highly useful in searching for relevant published articles during research process. That is, human researches ask LLM instead of having to go through and read each article in order to find what are ALL the articles that contain relevant information to their current study. To a lesser extent, this is less of a LLM problem - one first needs to have a way to unify all published articles like Google Scholar does.
- (2022, 2024, Software, Cloud Storage, social media, Online Service) Depot/Manuscript: Annoymous Text and Binary file online secure depot. Users with or without registration can upload data pinned to soecific geograohical locations (WSG84), and access data from there. Any any given time, the data access is owned by one speciric user, who shall decide where to move it further. Users pay a charge to hold access to data, otherwise the data is in the public domain. Users and organizatuons can control an entire region for exclusive control of data ybder that region by paying substantial fees. Infinite amount of plain text data upload is free; Binary and excessive size of data are not allowed. (Key Feature) When someone forgets, stops paying ezclusice control, tge data become discoverable bt others. (idea from) In classical age (before computer), manuscripts can be passed by own of hand, now with digital age, things are just lost. We should preserve digital data in an active manner. (Remark) Make it dedicated standalone service, not part of Gravity, to be fully anniymous, data should be hosted and transactions managed through ETH. There us no server, just a Github page as frontend.(Easter Egg) Depot 001 shall contain access code to an ETH wallet with some funds in it.
- (2024) Ultimate Plan: Hotels (pricing and location), airports, and tourist attractions, all on the map. Plus actual routes for the actual travel. (Can be part of Gravity network) (idea from) Planning traveling with Google Map, Google Earth, Booking, Expedia is VERY inconvenient.
- (2024, Mobile App) Home office: Suburb home are empty most of the daytime - we can rent it to those who need a daytime office and enjoys walk-in office (e.g. no need for hardware setup e.g. fixed computer workstations). Just like modern office, but walk-in. When done well can also apply to condos - walk-in office during day time hours.
- (慈善事业, #2024) Open Source Awards: Director Personal Pick & Community Pick. Only to non-organizational/foundational open source projects. Including categories as: Games, Software, Mobile App, Others, etc. (Idea from) BAR is so good it deserves an award.
- (实业, 实体经济) No-Retarded Real Estate Development: Develop a community housing area that is pretty and actually looks like some place people would want to live in. (Idea from) Modern Toronto suburbs are urban crawling that looks like shit and put too much division between people and have zero design and zero sense of community. Start with a central square, some stream of water, some markets, shareable farming lands. Make a 1 million dollar house actually worth 1 million - and not in terms of how large the building is.
- (#20240514) 新型电动车和充电模式:(参考国产品牌“未来”)电车直接换电池。中国有未来这个品牌。电池也不用买断,可以月租。
Personal Business Enamours
Personal because it’s personal and only I can do it.
- (Magazine) The Project Nine Magazine (Entertainment Industry): Magazine with a vision.
- (Technology) Dreamscape (Technology Industry): Dreamscape with a vision.
- (Entrepreneurship) The Personal Information Publication Project: The modern world has this insane protectiveness against such personal information. I think it makes sense for organizations to protect client information (which some companies are not doing well). But as individuals, we should be as public as possible. There are many benefits. The only information we need to censor is the ones that could cause direct harassment. In this project, I will publish all personal information: medical, financial, and planning - periodically first while a connected system is being build, then I will also open a Q&A portal for 1 Question-1 Answer (where questions could be requested to be answered again at a later occurrence).
- (2022, 2023) A new file format that can be previewed in windows and most importantly - supports rich metadata and notes and tags. To implement it on windows is fairly easy, we can just create a specialized ZIP that contains an image file and a text file or some other stuff, and most importantly, write a proper Win32 Shell extension to allow previewing the image itself, and add to properties that allows reading and editing the metadata (or we could develop external tools for managing that). Alternatively, we figure out how reliable is DigiKam (at the moment we don’t like it because it’s monolithic and configuration is a bit confusing and I don’t know how reliable it is in associating data with files, especially when we edit photos in Windows Explorer; And the interface is a bit hard to use when editing tags and notes). Alternatively, we could enhance Somewhere to allow it tracking file changes properly, like DigiKam or Everything does.
- (2023) Markdown should really support: 1) Pop-up/Embedded multi-line payloads, 2) Images, and multimedia contents. This is for self-contained management.
- (2023) GitHub Pages needs better ways to manage multi-media, e.g. self-hosted images.
- (Financial Data, 2024) Data source service
- (2024, Service, Game, Social Media, 20240630) VR Travel: Pyramid. (As a social media we could add features like Bilibili - allowing people leaving “location”-tagged messages in the virtual enviroment). This could be either a (lightweight) mobile app (we can do it as pre-rendered 360 images like Riven), or a desktop game.
- (2024, App) Send Yourself! An IM/chat/social media like app exclusively for sending time-stamped message to ourselves, with each exporting. (Idea from, #20240831) We use Telegram exclusively for note-taking purpose and now the CEO is arrested god knows how reliable it is.
- (2024, app, #恍惚状态) 外卖平台:每家来一样,不收手续费。所有食物都是可能。或许甚至跨国?Just need to figure out a way to get it work. We could in a sense accumulate orders and only execute when there is sufficient orders.
- (2019, 2022) Spreadsheet: Object-oriented, functional programmable spreadsheet application. Partly implemented in Parcel - but we actually want a GUI interface that’s much just like Excel. The core problem we try to solve is to enable named variables and named table ranges and enforce strongly-typed and safe references. For GUI framework, we should clearly use Qt for efficiency and cross-platform portability.
- (2019/2018, 2024) Social Media (Gravity, downgraded): Community Building on GIS scale - Map chat. (idea from) Waze Map has those interesting icons - that reminds me of the fun of such a map based social media platform. People can join channels and decide when where for how long they post information. The platform is just a map. It’s like Twitter but with an (arbitrary, not necessarily GPS located) pin.
- (2016, 2024) Full VR (Only) Modler and Layout Engine (Like Minecraft, or Godot, unlike Blender or anything else): first person walkable exepriecen. This is VERY technicallt challenging orneven impossiblenwith current technology/rendering efficiency.
- (2024) VR Taichi/Dance: One dance/series per game. Full room scale with a single enviroment. Character model required (for in-game) matching. Background just half-modeled environment (like Oculus Meta room), single character. Maybe offer playback options. Room size factor: 3x3m/5x5m. Single no annotation/speaking playvack, voice annotation, text annotation, etc.
- (2024) Programming tutorialz but fully recorded in VR.
Mobile Apps
- (2024, Development) Android doesn’t have a functional Git/Github tool that can check out/clone things on Android (e.g. for Godot projects).
- (2022) (Business Automation) Needs a visual-driven node-based process automation framework. Kind of WWF. Partially implemented in Parcel and https://charles-zhang.itch.io/expressoExpresso, also as a core concept in dbt. Pending a dedicated article on this concept. Alternative workflow uses Python/Jupyter Notebook, or Pure.
- (2022) (Business Analytics) Needs a better programmable business analytics platform, ideally incorporating dbt like processing workflow and as one-stop ETL/ELT solution, as an alternative to Grafana. PowerBI generally is the best but there are lots of issue with its programmability, lack of open-source nature, and very troublesome GUI (too many clicks).
- (2023) On the problem of mating: Github
- (2024) Boardy inspired: Social Professional. Somehow having an AI agent make people feel trustworthy - but the biggest selling point must be the phone call and speech-to-speech mechanism. We could have an app just like Boardy but just send something (audio) and gather data and pick matches using AI as mediator. Somehow people just seem to trust AI or algorithm for matching? Can we open source the algorithm and monetize the model? Or traffic jam just call and connect people on the air? No need for other kind of matchmaking. What’s even better: we could build it as an open platform for whatever kind of match making people want (likely using Zora) graphs.
Theme Park
- (2023) Life/Survival Simulator: See 20231006 dream.
VR/AR/Enhanced Reality Gameplay Venues
- (Per GTC2024) Codec Avatar Chat Booth
YouTube Video Production Series
- Emily & James: Dedicated animation shots.
- Studying Unreal Engine Source Code: Just official documentation and official source code, digging through walkthrough - something I wanted existed when learning for myself.
- World Build for Project Nine: Talk about specific aspects from technical, theoratical and how-to-with-tools perspectives. Sharing and consolidation of knowledge.
- Studying PyTorch Source Code: Always wanted to write deep learning, also review math.
20230802 Multi-layer Graph
Tags: Software, Platform, Note-taking, Productivity
Had this idea for a while. Basically it’s either a node-graph or something like Draw.IO, but the organization scheme is that you can keep “drill-down” and go deeper. Will be immensely powerful, no idea why it’s not already done. A clean interface is also the key. Parcel kind of was moving in that direction but I never got chance to complete it.